all in the same little town (well, Bear Country USA is about 15 minutes further, but pretty close anyway). My mom decided to fulfill her lifelong dream of visiting Mount Rushmore this Labor Day weekend and took all of us with her.
please notice the striking resemblances in the faces above and below
It was nice getting Danilo back for a couple of days. He's been missing a lot since the semester began (we know it's going to be worth it, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel... it's called June).
Thanks to Mom for the idea and the education we received on the history of Mount Rushmore and to Dad for driving 11 hours there and 11 hours back. It was an uplifting weekend being with people I love in such a neat place. My soul filled with gratitude for our country as we watched the evening program at Mount Rushmore after which any past or current service men and women in the audience came forward as the flag was lowered for the night.
When I bump into old friends that haven't met my husband, they ask if I married anyone they know. I say, probably not. Born in Italy and raised in Santiago, Chile, my Danilo came to the United States when he was 13.